1:1 Immersion-Mentorship
Uniquely Designed to YOUR sacred being

I believe in planting seeds for healing and I believe in ripple effects.
I believe that when we heal, the Earth heals.
I believe that magic unfolds when we awaken to remembrance of who we truly are and what we came here to do.
When we choose to come back to ourselves, to wholeheartedly and unapologetically follow the path of sovereignty — a path of owning our power, embodying our worth and trusting in & sharing our unique gifts, we inspire those around us to awaken to their unique medicine within.
Then the spiral of healing continues. These people will inspire others, and those souls will inspire even more people.
The seeds of restored balance will ripple further and further.

This offering is for you who is ready to journey through the layers of your being, to once again blossom in your truth and wholeness. To reconnect to your sacredness. To activate trust and your own unfoldment into your unique gifts and service to the world.
More about the Mentorship
This mentorship/immersion will be specially customized to support your unique being and process of becoming. You can fill out a an application form down below, letting me know your wishes and preferences for our work together.
Us working together is not about changing. You are already whole. You already hold all the answers within. It is simply about creating the right space to allow what is within you to emerge. Our job is to clear the way and gently guide you out of your own way so you can return into your most natural state of being, in tune with your inner knowing, the wisdom of your body and guidance of the spirit.
I don’t consider myself a teacher. Or a guide or therapist for that matter. Not at all. My role is to be a container. A support-person. A mirror. A sister to walk you closer to home within. The one who sees and encourages your truest expression, the one who supports you to deepen your belief in self and expands your trust in that you are ALWAYS divinely carried and supported on your path. I am here to remind you of that. Here to uplift you. Here to listen to you. To give solicited feedback. Here to hold you gently accountable.
I contain and help create a sacred space for you to drop deeply within and listen to your soul, your heart and your body. To create ease and space within your vessel to fearlessly step into your unique gifts and service. For so many of us all we need is the safety of such a container to finally listen to what is longing to be heard, and to begin the journey we are asked to embark on.

This is a Return to Remembrance of How to Live in Connection to the Sacred
If you feel a pull to work with me, kindly fill out the application form below.
As integrity is everything to me, I will tune into your answers and whether it is of the highest alignment in the current moment for me to support you.
All which you write here, will be 100% confidential. Regardless of that, tune into how much you feel comfortable and safe to share.
You will hear back from me shortly after filling out the form.
If I feel an aligned match, I will suggest you a form for our collaboration, based on your responses and unique wishes.
Before the final confirmation, I will invite you to feel into whether you would like to see any changes in the structure for our collaboration.
Thank you for your trust!